Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get the writing I’m most nervous to publish, the bleeding edge of my growth, the things I’m trying try get better at, have recently tried, and am still sorting out.

This posts are likely to be less polished, less clear-cut, more messy — this is the new thing I’m practicing.

If being in the weeds, seeing and understanding how someone like me grows, thinks, or stretches tickles your fancy, subscribe!

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I used to post all over the internet. Substack will become my HQ, peace of mind that you’ll get all of my public writing here. You’ll also get my occasional life updates!


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Subscribe to Musings, Reflections, and Life Lessons

I've been through the school of hard knocks, adventured through life, and scraped my knees a few times. These are my stories, these are my learnings, and I hope it sparks something in you!
